We are Body&Soul

The exhibition vernissage will take place on Thursday 30 November 2023 at 17:00.
Body&Soul is an association created in 2013 by painters Peter Stoffel and Hadrien Dussoix.
The spirit of Body&Soul is to highlight and privilege the emotions, intuitions and poetry that can emanate from drawing or painting, regardless of movement, style or technique.
In 2021, Body&Soul decided to form a collective of dozen artists - WE ARE BODY&SOUL - who decided to lock themselves away in a mountain chalet for 10 days to draw together and create small-scale drawings, paintings and collages. The challenge was to pass the drawings around so that several artists could work on the same sheet. Each artist is free to express themselves as they see fit, without too much pressure and with the sole theme of "Body&Soul"... The idea is to give free rein to the imagination and leave plenty of room for freedom. A lot of things in today's society are far too rigid and standardised, even when it comes to art, which is often very didactic and prescriptive, with very precise codes.
Body&Soul is a form of resistance to all that.
At the end of the retreat, over 300 drawings were produced and around 200 were chosen to be published in a book. The publication was presented and some of the original drawings were exhibited in Geneva in 2022 and in Hamburg in 2023.
This work will be offered at Ecolint in the form of a workshop for students.