Waiting for John Bubbles

Tap dance performance by and with Daniel Leveillé

Thursday 6 April 2023, 20:00 to 21:30

Full fare - CHF 35
UN / Cagi - CHF 30
Ecolint (Parents/Staff) - CHF 25
Reduced fare - CHF 20



How can we change how people usually look at tap dance?

In his first solo creation, the talented Daniel Leveillé tackles the stereotyped image of an artform that is little known to the general public and offers a show that combines "standards" and innovations. By dusting off the main figures of rhythm tap tradition, this talented artist rediscovers the history and culture of tap dance.

Marked by the spectre of confinement, alone on stage during a one-hour dance performance, this Genevan artist gives free rein to his imagination. The wordless show is enhanced by video projections, custom-made electronic instruments and a large dose of humour that invite the audience to discover the unique universe of this one-man band who demonstrates that tap dance is not just an old-fashioned dance but a rich artform that combines movement and music like no other.

Embark on a playful, original and innovative journey through the history and culture of tap dance that will take you on a subtle mix of unknown tradition and innovative modernity.

Suitable for all audiences.