Natural Epiphanies by Jacqueline Bachmann
Landscapes and lights

The exhibition vernissage will take place on Thursday 30 November 2023 at 17:00.
Jacqueline Bachmann is a Swiss visual artist-painter, who lives and works in Geneva.
She was in charge of humanitarian missions for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Africa and Asia for seven years and since 1992 has devoted herself mainly to painting. She is a member of the Society of Swiss Visual Artists (visarte), of the Swiss Society of Fine Arts Artists (SSBA), and of the New Century Artists, Inc. in New York.
Deeply inspired by landscapes, lights, reflections, Bachmann composes her images and create her colours by observing the plant, mineral and aquatic environment. This meticulous approach and this attention to detail reflect a sacred dimension of art and a hymn to nature. Each of her works is a search in itself, an exchange with the visible and the invisible, a concern for a fair balance, a search for harmony and contrast.
Below is an extract of "Jacqueline Bachmann's Natural Epiphanies" by John Austin, art critic living and working in Manhattan, N.Y.
"Bachmann's images are evocations of the deep symbolism of life, disappearance and rebirth embedded within the cycles of nature... the sculptural impulse in Jacqueline Bachmann's works make them immediately recognizable as well as intensely realized...
She adroitly translates the essential shapes of trees, rocks and water streams into enigmatic paintings.
... Thus, her formal innovation offers us sensations of breath-taking views, vertiginous and strong flows of cascading water currents... imagery that is simultaneously benign and awesome."