Galatea or the Unspoken

Dance performance by Dansehabile company

Thursday 23 November 2023, 19:30
Saturday 25 November 2023, 19:30
Sunday 26 November 2023, 17:00

Single entry - 20 CHF




Created in 2001, Dansehabile is a dance association open to all which aims to develop cultural and social projects, promoting meetings between dancers with or without disabilities.

"Galatea or the Unspoken" is an inclusive show that features three dancers as well as three artists from the Dansehabile company. Come... Come see us sculpt the dance within us, to discover “the flames in the stone…”

"Is it possible to tame the changes, transformations and constraints in our bodies into a positive force?
Can dance become the extension of the mind and body?
The goal is to create a “larger than life” atmosphere, through the body on stage in a magical moment of the show. We are looking for this magic and freedom, which is found in the eyes of each and every person, to create this surpassing of realities.

We will explore the unsaid, everything that is buried deep within us, in our personal history, our bodily memory and our deep psyche. Each dancer offers his biography and his unsaid things on stage: it is about exploring this line, this border, which is in the mind and the body.

This situation represents the place of forms (the mind) and the place of the concrete (the scene, the body). I would like to explore on stage the state of transition, the emptiness in the body, with the intention that each performer brings through their presence, their personality and their journey.
By choosing the theme of transformation, I would like us to explore the fascination and joy of being alive! To transform ourselves, like stone into flesh and blood, to breathe life into our dusty ideas and images, to breathe the secret stone of our most distant desires, to catch the breath, the invisible voice of our vital impulses! To transform the void into movement, to express the unique possibilities in each gesture and direction, the body of each performer expresses itself under the naked gaze of the audience.

I invite you to discover, on our stage, this museum of living stones (statues).
To see ourselves dancing, dancing life and dancing our laughter, our hands, our arms, our bones: moving away or deforming, alive, mobile or immobile, light or heavy, intense or defocused, but always alive, always at home. search for the living stone in us."

Mehdi Duman


Choreopragher / Dancer: Mehdi Duman
Dancers: Benoît Dumont, Magada Filipowski, Luca Formica, Vladimir Ippolitov and Amandine Villeneuve
Costumes & Stage design: Valérie Margot
Lights: Alexandrine Marquet
Music: Jean Faravel and Cédric Hedbert