An exhibition organised as part of the ECOART curatorial project by Ecolint students

We delved into the immense ocean of encounters between the (“visual” in reference to painted or sculpted images) arts and architecture to bring to the surface the ingredients, the elements, with which we would create our exhibition.
So "inhabited", between intuition, "subjective-objective" criteria, and a broad vision of a true equation linking art with architecture, we set out in search of artwork and artists, keeping in mind the impact of the architecture of a place such as the Centre des arts, whose scale model we have included as a "sculpture" in our exhibition: a mise en abîme certainly, but above all an "augmentation"... making our exhibition a multi-dimensional exhibition, a kind of performative, critical, symbolic, poetic, aesthetic, political, social kaleidoscope... dimensions that are reflected in the choice of artwork and artists... with an exceptional ensemble with no hierarchy of forms and genres, of style, field, origins, but integrating various media, materials, know-how...
Representations, metamorphoses, sublimations, observations, wanderings, travel stories, montages, defragmentations, deconstructions, constructions, conductions, refractions, diffractions, hybridisations, sonifications, spatialisations, imprints, traces, reveries, resistance, interrogations, symbolism, invitations to emancipation, intuitions, proposals, as many events inviting us to "architecturise" our relationship with the world. Let the magic work.
Artists: Franz Ackermann, Sandra et Gaspard Bébié-Valérian, François Daireaux, Nicolas Daubanes, Agnès Fornells, Philippe Garenc, Asmund Havsteen-Mikkelsen, Alain Lapierre, Anders Mikkelsen, Jérôme Soudan, Caroline Tapernoux, Jean Michel Wilmotte, and Yan Zoritchak.